All Prizes Total Value: $835
Signature Art Gallery of Vero

Vero Beach Karate Association

Chaney's House O' Flowers

The Amber Ribbon

Riverside Theatre Comedy Zone

Signature Art Gallery of Vero

Eminence Hair Design

Main Street Vero Beach


Baci Trattoria

Carmine & Lucia's

Do You Really Have To Work?!
by Lucy Pawlowski

Lazy Sunday
by Julie Floyd

The Crown Is Heavy Darling
by Stephanie

Clementine Tired
by Faith Sproul

by Betsy

SMOKEY (aka Greyson/squeeky) JUSST BEIN' "THE DUDE"
by Louise Muller

Does This Light Make My Fur Look Good?
by Isabel Truckner

by Sherri

Manz Best Friend
by Raymond D'ware

Alexa Our Halo Rescue❤️
by Sue Longobricco

Newman Smiling For The Camera!
by Mary

by Lisa