All Prizes Total Value: $835
Signature Art Gallery of Vero

Vero Beach Karate Association

Chaney's House O' Flowers

The Amber Ribbon

Riverside Theatre Comedy Zone

Signature Art Gallery of Vero

Eminence Hair Design

Main Street Vero Beach


Baci Trattoria

Carmine & Lucia's

Live In The Sunshine, Swim The Sea, Drink The Wild Air
by Missy Blades

Kitty Box Cleaner
by Johanna

Sake Bomber
by Kendall

Luna Rolling In The Grass
by Tara Kane

Can I Have My Cookie, Now?
by Nicole Reilly

Romping Around
by Stephanie

by Amanda Moorehead

by Jeanne

by Cassey

Standing Tall
by Mary Kestner

Doggies For Life❤️
by Betsy

PhotoBomb By Champagne
by Florence Hofman