If I Keep Still And Let My Tongue Hang Out Then Maybe She'll Put The A/c On!
by Christina

Soccer Anyone
by Jaime

Only Because They're My Kids.....ugh
by Tammy Monaco

Snuggle Buddies
by Fawn Wittenrich

Owner And His Pit
by Shawn Wyne

Did You Say Lets Go,lily ?
by Mike Guadagno

Me And My Girlfriend..
by Melissa Tucker

Sissy (yellow Lab) Loves Muddin'!
by Josie Calle

May I Have Some, Please?
by Karla Fafeita

Under The Bridge
by Heather McCormack

Wait Until Next Year!
by Colleen Bruckner.

Valentine 7years Today (12-25-15) Vero Beach Fl
by Jackie Henry