You Never Know How Big They'll Get! 6 Month Difference!
by Alex Langlois

Brotherly Love
by Kelly Stubbs

Doggies In The Window
by Betty Ann Barbieri

Pearl My Little Girl Rescue Puppy. She Saved My Life From Severe Depression.
by Donna Berkowitz

Pearl My Little Girl Rescue Puppy. She Saved My Life From Severe Depression.
by Donna Berkowitz

Happy 1st Birthday Luna
by Mary Jane Thomson

Just A Dog And Her Toy
by Kim Artlip

Chloe "Is It Soup Yet?"
by Deborah LaCroix

Do I Look Pretty?
by Cheryl

Rosie Posie
by Jennifer Santiago

Beach Day
by Sherry Brown

Pearl My Little Girl Rescue Puppy.
by Donna Berkowitz